Snoop Dogg
Emote package illustrations for a Snoop Dogg on the streaming platform "Mixer."

Club Mass
Brand identity for a fitness business "Club Mass," focused on personalized exercise programs.

Brand identity development for online gaming community in the game "Black Desert Online."

Frozen Ape Breworks
Brand identity development for a beer brewery which uses specially designed glasses.

Teach Plus 10 Year Anniversary
Ten Year Anniversary campaign, celebrating 10 years of impact at Teach Plus.

Teach Plus Annual Report 2016-17

Teach Plus "Heroes" Social Media Campaign
Social Media campaigns celebrating teachers' achievements and contributions to advancements in teacher policy and impact in classroom.

Teaching Policy Fellowship Rebrand
Brand Identity development for Teach Plus, with new programs & refinements to existing brand.

Comic book creation, including writing, illustrating, and marketing the launch of indie comic book "Anikara."

Black Oni
Brand Identity for gaming, graphic design, and illustration services and media.

More Projects
Various client based and conceptual work