Initial concept sketches

Template production

Apparel mockup
Will's challenge was to translate Teach Plus's core teacher proficiencies into abilities, and to translate those abilities into easily recognizable and eye-grabbing iconography. There were several iterations and versions of many of these icons and template designs, but ultimately Will focused on streamlined iconography to compliment the vivid colors used in the campaign.

Dark color version

Dark color version

Light color version

Instagram feed

The "Teach Plus Heroes" campaign was the org's first high-level social media campaign celebrating our teachers. This mostly focused on social media imagery and apparel, given teachers and staff. Will decided on, and created the entire visual style of this campaign from concept to completion, presenting the idea to senior staff before implementing the design. This campaign increased social media engagement by 45%, and senior leadership/management requested we do a subsequent campaign for the next year, which was also spearheaded and designed by Will.