Piece: Ippaku PUBG Helmet
Client: Ippaku
Client: Ippaku
Ippaku is a Player Unknown's Battle Grounds primary streamer, so much of his brand and image revolve around utilizing the imagery in PUBG. Will was tasked with creating aside view image of the level 3 helmet with supporting decals from discord, streamlabs, and Ippaku's own logo on the front. Will digitally painted a helmet to make it look realistic and 3 dimensional. Ippaku has used this image as a sticker/business card and across social media.

Piece: Zarya's Source
Client: "Source Dumal"
Client: "Source Dumal"
Carol fell in love with Overwatch, and found herself drawn towards Zarya, an unapologetically strong, burly character, with a sweet pink haircut that resembled her own in many ways. She commissioned Will to capture her as Zarya, utilizing her tag name and Chicago area code as decals on the character.

Rough Sketch


Final Piece
Piece: Emerald
Client: Damond Ford
Client: Damond Ford
Damond wanted to do something truly special for Christmas, which was to capture his wife in her essence— Strong, confident, beautiful, and fun! Will turned Emerald into a super hero, adorning an emerald crest on her chest in the shape of a heart.

Piece: No Challengers
Rogue is a character that exudes confidence, sass, and power. Will was commissioned to create this illustrated, and he wanted to portray just how powerful she is, while in a sense unamused and tired of "no challenger" matching her skill in combat, further exemplified by her using a Sentinel head as a seat as the other Sentinels approach.

Piece: 2b Beautiful, yet Deadly
Nier Automata is one of Will's absolute favorite games, and to show his appreciation for the visual delights, questions the game posed, as well as the extremely fluid and stylish combat, Will decided to capture the elegance and deadly beauty that is, 2b.

Rough Sketch


Final Piece
Piece: Hyakuretsukyuaku
Street Fighter is one of Will's favorite gaming franchises, with Chun Li being one of his favorite FGC characters. One of the reoccurring themes in his art is the presence of floral decorations, or nature in general, alongside the characters he portrays.