Cover Drafts

Region Spread PG1 Draft 1

Region Spread PG1 Draft 2

Region Spread PG2 Draft 1

Region Spread PG2 Draft 2

Region Spread PG Draft 3
Will's challenge for the 2016-17 Annual report was to top the excellent work already done on the previous years' reports while emphasizing the , was to increase the quality of the contents inside while presenting more information than ever before

Final Cover

Inside Spread

Spread Page 2 Sample

2016-2017 Annual Report
In addition to the countless presentations, reports, and explainers, Teach Plus has used these subsequent annual reports to not only fundraise millions of dollars for the org, but to also establish and strengthen relationships with districts, partners, AND funders. What takes teams of talented designers, Will has been able to accomplish as one person, with the collaboration of the CEO, President, Media strategists, and Executive Directors of each location.